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Vocabulary Builder

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Thank you for your interest in Vocabulary Builder! This application was born out of personal necessity: I needed a project with which to demonstrate my software engineering ability, and I desired a tool that would help me learn new vocabulary. As I made my way through the tomes that comprise George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, it became apparent that jotting down words here and there or taking screenshots of dictionary entries would not do. I needed a centralized space where I could record and review words, and thus I created Vocabulary Builder. More than an Android app, it is a full-stack project that includes a database and web application for cloud synchronization.

View the project's documenation and source code.

If you have used Vocabulary Builder in the past and would like to have your personal data deleted from the application, email from the email address you used to create the account. Set "Please Delete My Data" as the subject. The account associated with the sender's email address will be deleted, as will all vocabulary words for that account.